Things You Must Do On Your Travels

Things You Must Do On Your Travels - Katja's Travels
Things You Must Do On Your Travels - Katja's Travels

So you are finally on the road again! 

What to do to get the most out of your trip?

Just read this article of things you must do on your travels and immerse yourself in the adventure! 🙂 

1. Try Local Food

This one is a must. You can not get to know a culture without trying their local foods and cuisine. So if you are a foodie or not try at least some dishes. Traditional food is part of a country’s heritage and locals have a strong connection with their cuisines and eating habits. Also, local food is usually fresher and it tastes better. So take advantage of all the food diversity around the world and try something new!

If you are a foodie think about taking a local cuisine cooking class if it’s available in the area.

You can also check out Eatwith website which lets you find local people to eat local food with. It’s worth checking it out for a great experience. 


2. Talk to the Locals

Another important thing is to interact with local people. That way you get to know the culture you are exploring even deeper and you can feel the place much better. Good conversation starters are asking for direction or for help or you can simply just ask them something about the country or their way of living. In many countries, people are very open and will be happy that you show interest in them, their lives and their country’s culture and history. You can also try to speak some local language which will make the distance between you and locals even smaller. Local people love it when tourists try to speak their language and they are usually even kinder and more willing to help if you put in the effort. 


3. Get to Know the Local Culture

This one is obvious since it’s one of the main reasons we travel, right? 🙂 Getting to know all the different cultures in the world is so fulfilling, it broadens our horizons and opens our minds to different ways of living. So eat the local food, talk to the locals, if possible stay with them, take public transport and blend in with the crowds, go on cultural tours and the list goes on. And especially give yourself time to really immerse in the culture of the place before moving on to your next destination. Read my post on Things you can do to experience the local culture


4. Do Something Adventurous

On every trip, you should do something that feels adventurous. This will be something different for everyone but doing something that makes you feel full of life and energy is always a good idea. Especially while travelling! 🙂 

You can check interesting activities on some great sites which you can find in this post – The Ultimate List of Best Travel Resources


5. Explore the History

History shapes the culture so it is a good idea to explore the background of why things are how they are and where did all the culture and customs come from. You can go to a museum, read about it in a book or on the internet or ask local people about it. Then go and check the most important historical monuments and places. There are also historical tours in almost every city.

Check out Context Travel tour agency which offers in-depth history, food and cultural walking tours in cities around the world. 


6. Explore the Cities

The cities are where all the culture is. You can explore the historical monuments, visit the museums, check out the shopping scene, eat at a local restaurant, grab a cup of coffee and people watch… There are so many things to do. Read my article about Things to do when exploring a city


7. Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature will allow you to slow down and unwind. It is relaxing and it feeds the soul. Take a stroll in a forest or a park, have a picnic or sit down and do some meditation. Immerse in the beauty of our planet! 


8. Take Pictures

Taking photos is like capturing moments in time. You can freeze a beautiful moment with your camera. Later you can relive these moments and feel like you are there again. It is also so much fun to show your travel photos to family and friends and to explain to them what you saw and did. I love taking photos everywhere I go. To me, it is also a form of expression and creativity and it helps me to pay more attention to the details. 


9. Write in a Diary

Photos will help you remember where you’ve been but having a travel journal will help you remember how you felt when you were there. You can document your thoughts and feelings as well as write down your itinerary, the places and things you’ve seen, the unique moments you experienced, the people you talked to etc. It is so nice to read it back. You can also make some sketches and drawings and tape in your tickets and bills. 


10. Immerse in the Moment

Pay attention to smells, tastes, colours and sounds around you. Look at nature, people and everything that’s going on. And lose yourself in all of it. Don’t plan too many activities and trips in a day so you don’t have to rush and you have time to immerse in each and every moment of your journey. 


11. Be Open Minded

Don’t be judgemental of anything you encounter on the way and open yourself for different aspects and views about things. Different cultures will have different outlooks on life, religion and other things as well as different customs. But that’s what makes travel interesting, right? Travel makes us more open-minded if we want to be. 


12. Be Spontaneous

This one is so important! Just let your inner control freak go and be spontaneous! Decide just than and there where you are going to eat, what you are going to do and where you are going to go. You saw a nice restaurant that called your name? Or is it a local store? Just go in and enjoy! These types of experiences are usually the ones we enjoy the most and remember the longest. 


13. Visit the Less Known Spots

Don’t only visit the most famous tourist attractions. The most magical places are usually the ones that are off the beaten path and not crowded with tourists trying to take a picture. Ask the locals for hidden gems only they know about or simply explore around on your own. Just always stay safe and don’t go into dangerous areas – do some research on the internet or ask people about the place you are planning to go to.


14. Visit the Main Attractions

Of course, you will visit the main attractions as well! They are not so famous for no reason! 🙂 

But try to go there early in the morning or later in the afternoon when the crowds will be smaller. It is also quite magical to experience a great monument or view all by yourself and in the sunrise light! 


15. Relax and Slow Down

While exploring new places we often want to do and see as much as possible in the time we have. But it is important to remember that we also need rest so we don’t burn out.  Every day,  leave yourself some time to relax and slow down. To let the new experiences sink in. And to be rested and full of energy for new adventures of the next day!


16. Get To Know Yourself

Travel is the best way to get to know yourself better. With going out of an everyday routine we have more time and energy to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings. And slowly we start to discover the hidden parts of our soul. You can have many realisations while on the road if only you let yourself go and listen to your deepest desires. Travel helps you grow tremendously if you are willing to do so. So listen to yourself and start your journey of becoming the best version of yourself. 

Read my article on Everything You Learn on the Road


17. Do Something New

Doing something you’ve never done before and going out of your comfort zone is not only crazy fun but it also lets you grow. Try a new sport, a new cuisine, go on a hike in a new place – there are so many options it’s impossible not to find something for yourself! 🙂  



So there you have it, these are my top 17 tips of things you must do on your travels.

I hope you find this list useful and inspiring and that you will implement these tips on your next big adventure! 

Is there something you would add to this list?

And what is your favourite thing to do on your travels?

See you in the comments. 🙂